How to Pray the Little Rosary
Begin with an Act of Contrition. Pray the Our Father once and the Hail Mary seven times while contemplating each of these Seven Sorrows of Mary:
1. Prophecy of Simeon that pain like a sword would pierce Mary;
2. Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt to escape Herod’s order to kill all boys the approximate age of the Child Jesus;
3. Three-day search for 12-year-old Jesus before Mary and Joseph found Him in the Temple;
4. Seeing her Son suffer on the way to Calvary;
5. Crucifixion of Jesus;
6. The pierced body of Jesus taken down from the Cross; and
7. Jesus’ burial.
At the conclusion, pray the Hail Mary three more times in honor of the tears of Mary, the Sorrowful Mother.
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Parish School of Religion (PSR) is a Catholic education course for K-8th grade students that prepares them for their sacraments.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program for prospective converts to Catholic faith or those wanting to learn more.
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