Discuss the parish finances and advise the pastor to approve or deny spending requests.
This worksheet is a tool designed to help you determine the amount you can give on an annual basis and then designate money for each area until you reach your pre-determined annual giving amount.
Tithing is the practice, established by God in the Old Testament, of returning 10% of your blessings to God.
The Facilities and Maintenance Committee, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, established a Restricted Repair and Replacement Fund in response to the campus nearing 60 years of service. After a thorough assessment of the condition of the campus, it shed a light on a number of problem areas. It also became obvious that a major breakdown would be catastrophic to the parish budget. Breakdowns such as heating, or air conditioning could easily cost $10,000.
As a restricted fund, money donated can be used only for the repair or replacement of structural components and equipment critical to the operation of the parish (e.g. roofs, windows, tuck-pointing, foundations, well and water system components, heating and air conditioning units, sewage treatment plant, safety and alarm systems, and the like – elements critical to the infrastructure of the parish.) It may not be used for general parish operation or the repair or replacement of non-critical equipment. Use of the donated funds is restricted to the repair or replacement of critical equipment with an estimated cost of over $2,000 and will require the recommendations of both the Facilities and Maintenance and Finance Committees and the approval of the pastor. The pastor can approve using these funds for projects estimated to cost less than $2,000 on an emergency basis. All funds donated will be deposited with the diocese and will earn interest until they are needed for critical repairs.
The “R” and “R” Fund has worked well for Our Lady Queen of Peace and continues to be a vital part of the Financing and Facilities and Maintenance of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish.
In 2007, Our Lady Queen of Peace began a building fund to help construct a new Parish Center and school addition. Although we no longer have a school, we must continue to record the building fund donations as restricted. Since these funds are in a restricted account, the money could not be used for anything else unless we received approval from the donors.
In 2024, the Archdiocese gave the pastor and Finance Committee approval to send a letter to all parishioners. The letter identified the need to update the kitchen, fish fry area, and cafeteria to ensure the parish has the necessary space for our fundraisers. The parishioners were given the opportunity to remove their Building Fund contribution from this project and move to the R&R fund.
The pastor created a Building Committee to work with the Archdiocese and contractors to complete this project. The estimated completion is early 2026.
Check the bulletin for the up-to-date total.
Email the Parish Office to set up an account to obtain your contribution or call for a statement.
Create an account online to submit a one-time payment or schedule a reoccurring payment such as your Sunday offertory gift.
An overview of our parish's yearly financial reports and a quick recap of our stewardship events, activities and accomplishments.
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