The Facilities and Maintenance Work Group is a group of parishioners with expertise in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling, and the like, who are available for repair and plant improvement projects.
Learn more on our Facilities and Maintenance page.
There are always areas that need help at our church, whether it is cleaning the church, adopting-a-garden, workday for landscaping, painting, etc.
See something that you would like to do such as paintng a handrail, cleaning a section in church, or anything else, send a message to
Facitlies and Management or call the head of Facility and Maintenance.
The Peace Pantry provides food and other assistance to those in need in our immediate area. The pantry is supported by all local churches. OLQP Peace Pantry volunteers represent our parish in this important work and relay to the parish particular needs the Peace Pantry is trying to meet.
Please contact the parish office, if interested. Or reach out to the Peace Pantry for more ways to help. Peace Pantry is located at 8100 S. Industrial Dr., Cedar Hill, MO 63016 636-285-0934
Consider making monetary donations to our parish to keep our ministries funded, so we can build a stronger parish family and community.
You can make in person or online donations - see Online Giving.
This program educates and trains adults about abuse and how to prevent, report and respond to it. It is required for some ministries.
Take a moment to register you and your family as members of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. As members you will be added to our mailing list to receive important parish information by mail or email.
Download, fill it out, mail it to the parish office. Download Form >
Fill out and submit online. Online Form >
Our parish calendar is full of opportunities to bring our community together to celebrate the Lord and support each other.
Create an account online to submit a one-time payment or schedule a reoccurring payment such as your Sunday offertory gift.
This program educates and trains adults about abuse and how to prevent, report and respond to it. It is required for some ministries.
Protecting God's Children educates and trains adults about abuse and how to prevent, report and respond to it. Learn More >