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The parish prepares children to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation beginning the second semester of seventh grade with a parent/candidate meeting in January and continues in eighth grade. The process is separate from but cooperates with, religious education, Parish School of Religion (PSR), and homeschooling. The Rite of Confirmation culminates in February with the reception of the sacrament.

Children Grade 8 - 12

Parents who have children in eighth grade and high school who have not been confirmed should contact the Pastor by calling the Parish office.


Parishioners, both adults and young teens, who desire to be confirmed, also participate in a formation process leading to the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Adult preparation for Confirmation is separate from the young teens.

Adults are confirmed at the parish either through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or at the Basilica of St. Louis on Pentecost Sunday.

Adults who wish to be confirmed should contact the Pastor, at the Parish Office.

Learn More About Confirmation

For more information about Confirmation visit the Archdiocese of St. Louis website.

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Create an account online to submit a one-time payment or schedule a reoccurring payment such as your Sunday offertory gift.


What is PSR?

Parish School of Religion (PSR) is a Catholic education course for K-8th grade students that prepares them for their sacraments.


What is RCIA?

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program for prospective converts to Catholic faith above the age of infant baptism.

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