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The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children (OCIA/OCIC)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) and Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC) Team provides systematic religious education for non-Catholics wanting to join the Church, Catholics wanting to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, Catholics wanting to refresh themselves on the teachings of the Church, and older children preparing for sacraments.

The USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) changed the name of RCIA/RCIC to OCIA/OCIA because the new translation is more comprehensive then RCIA is; O stands for Order instead of R for rite and reflects a closer transalation of the process of those who are initiated into the Catholic Faith.

OCIC - Children 7 & Older

Children 7 and older that are interested in joining the church and receiving the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, confirmation and/or holy communion. We also welcome Catholic children that would like to refresh their knowledge of their faith.

Please reach out to our PSR coordinator for more information. 

Parish School of Religion (PSR) >

Sacraments at Our Lady Queen of Peace >

OCIA - Teens & Adults

Teens and adults that are interested in joining the church and receiving the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, confirmation and/or holy communion. We also welcome Catholic adults that would like to refresh their knowledge of their faith.

See a syllabus for the OCIA classes and events. Classes begin on Monday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m.  Contact the Parish Office to let them know you will be attending.

Please reach out to our parish office or pastor for more information.

Sacraments at Our Lady Queen of Peace >

Calendar of Events

Our parish calendar is full of opportunities to bring our community together to celebrate the Lord and support each other.


What is PSR?

Our Parish School of Religion program is a Catholic education course for K-8th grade students that prepares them for their sacraments.


Online Resources

Catholic publications, videos, classes, and more are available for all ages.

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