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ACTs Retreats

Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Churches offer the ACTS weekend retreats for both men and women. This parish-based retreat energizes participants in the Catholic faith. It offers the opportunity to renew your spirituality and prayer life, to strengthen your faith and its application in your daily life, and to build lasting friendships among members of both parish communities. It is presented by members of our parishes with spiritual direction from our parish priests and pastoral associate.

The ACTS Retreat Basic information

The Adult ACTS Retreat begins on a Thursday evening with check-in at 6:15 pm at Church (we rotate hosting duties between OLQP and St. Anthony's), and ends Sunday with a reception in the parish hall following the Sunday Mass. Transportation to and from the retreat center will be provided for all retreatants.

There is a fee to attend a retreat (please check current registration forms for cost & deposit information.)  PLEASE NOTE: Financial difficulties should not prevent anyone from attending the retreat. If you need further information regarding the retreat please contact: Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Office: 636-671-3062 •  St. Anthony's Parish Office: 636-677-4868 

A few days prior to the retreat, you will be contacted by a team member to provide information on what to bring with you (clothing, reading material, etc.) for the weekend. Please contact one of the above people if you have any questions or need additional information.

ACTs Core Team

The ACTS Core Team is a 3-year commitment and includes leadership and support roles in which all help each retreat be able to have proper and meaningful formation process during preparation of and during the actual retreat.

Women of Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Churches  2023 Women’s ACTS Retreat was held Thursday, June 15 through Sunday, June 18. The 2024 Women's ACTS Retreat is to be determined.  Check back for the dates. Complete the registration form and leave it with either parish office.  Contact the parish office 636-671-6833

Men's 2023 ACTS Retreat for Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Churches was scheduled for 11/30-12/03 at the Marianist Retreat Center.  Director is Rich Ortmann.  Watch the bulletin for more information or contact the parish office.  Click here for the registration form.

The current core team for the ACTS Retreats is made up of the following individuals from both OLQP and St. Anthony's parishes:
  • Facilitator/financial: Maria Webb
  • Co-Facilitator: Joann Cooley
  • Communications: Mary Mottert
  • Social: Tina Hartung
  • Support: Judy Blanc & Joy Summers
  • Supplies: Diane Kattleman & Dottie Sides

Men's retreat:  Richard Ortmann


  • Q: How long is the retreat? What do I prepare for?

    A: The retreat begins at St Anthony of Padua in High Ridge on Thursday night at 6:15pm and is complete at 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday at St Anthony. Bring very casual, comfortable clothing. While most of the activities take place indoors, you will likely spend some time outdoors. Also, pack things you would typically bring for a short trip such as toiletries, medications, etc. Bedding and towels are provided, but you might want to pack a pillow and extra towel if you like. Also bring clothes appropriate for Mass on Sunday.

  • Q: What about accommodations and meals?

    A: You have a private room with your own restroom facilities. Three Meals served daily, with PLENTY of snacks, water, soda and coffee.

  • Q: Are there any requirements for making the retreat?

    A: All are invited, Catholics and non Catholics, in or out of our parish communities. The only requirement is a willingness to spend more time with God and fellow parishioners.

  • Q: How is the retreat run?

    A: Your fellow parishioners will run the retreat. They spend time prior to the retreat, meeting weekly and preparing spiritually for the retreat, as well as handling most of the planning and logistics for the weekend. Each team has a priest who has a role in the weekend as well.

  • Q: So what exactly happens on the retreat? What activities? Is it a silent retreat? If not, am I required to participate?

    A: This a little different, and part of the blessing and enjoyment of the weekend is discovering what it means to you as it happens. For this reason, it’s hard to go into specifics. There is prayer, reflection, Mass, opportunity for sacraments and discussion. You can choose to participate in the discussion as much or as little as you like. People are different, so their experience and reaction to the retreat differs, but if you talk to men and women who have been on the retreat, you’ll see that responses are typically very positive.

  • Q: So if I go on the retreat, am I required to participate more in the future? Do I have to do certain things? Do I have to be on a retreat team or be involved in other retreat centered activities?

    A: The short answer is no, you don’t have to do anything after retreat. Hopefully during your retreat you learn things about your faith, yourself, and the way others practice their faith. The goal isn’t to build a larger parish retreat group; it is to build a stronger relationship with Jesus and with others in the parish community.

Calendar of Events

Our parish calendar is full of opportunities to bring our community together to celebrate the Lord and support each other.


Giving Online

Create an account online to submit a one-time payment or schedule a reoccurring payment such as your Sunday offertory gift.


Prayer Requests

Submit a prayer requests to ask for the parish to pray for yourself or someone close to you during trying times.

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